FREE Masterclass: The Archetypal Female Entrepreneur

Michelle Clark Hypnotherapy

Let me help you succeed

Hypnotherapy can help you let go of the past, rewire unhelpful patterns and create an expansive, bountiful life.

Want to be more you, only better?

Make meaningful changes in your life, overcome what’s holding you back and tap into your most powerful positive qualities.

Michelle Clark Hypnotherapy Online

hi, i'm glad you're here

I'm Michelle

BA Honours (Psychology), Diploma of Modern Psychology, Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Certificate in Success Coaching, Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapist.

You know how you stumble on something in life, and you just KNOW that it is entirely meant for you? Well, that’s me and hypnotherapy!

With hindsight, of course it’s easy to see why becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist working with women in business was so aligned.

Like with most life adventures, it wasn’t a straight line to get here. I like to look at it as my wiggly line of life experience – a postgraduate psychology degree, academic research work, corporate work, an environmental science degree, more corporate work, 2 businesses, more corporate work, finally coming to my senses about corporate work, and retraining to be a hypnotherapist.

In between all those lines is of course a lot of juicy life experience which, combined with specialist training leads me to supporting you on your journey.

I look forward to helping you create your own expansive life, full of possibility, connection and joy.

I have learnt that nothing changes your life more than changing your mind

Some fun quirks about me

It's all about the important things

Life-long learning

I don't think I'll ever be done learning. I value education and evidence-based knowledge and can't wait to learn more about the brain, neuroplasticity and the power of our mind.

Collapsing time

If it's not efficient, I'm not a fan. Which is why I love my therapy modality so much - it is the quickest way i know to create lasting positive change. Why would you spend months when you can spend hours?!

Opportunity and choice

I don't like being told what to do. And you don't either! Which is why the focus of all my therapy is to help you uncover more opportunity and choices that make sense for you. Because I know you're much more likely to take action when it's aligned to what you really want.

Connecting with the good stuff

Life is hard enough without focusing on the negative. I'm all about focusing on the positive, what's working, what you want and then working towards getting all that good stuff.


Life's an adventure, even if you aren't having one right now. Therapy can be fun! It's a ride to uncover what's making you tick and how you can choose your own adventure by adjusting unconscious patterns.


I'm a nurturer and a no BS cheerleader. I will seriously be the loudest one cheering you on from the sidelines. I can't do it for you, but I absolutely can help you understand what you want and exactly how you're going to get it. And I'll be waving my pom poms like a mad thing!

Client results