Build natural, lasting confidence, with confidence hypnotherapy.

Confident female runner standing on snow with sun behind her

Build natural confidence with confidence hypnotherapy. Real Confidence, Real Change. Confidence is essential—it touches every part of our lives, from our relationships to our work and how we feel day-to-day. But real, lasting confidence is deeper than just a temporary a boost; it’s an unshakeable sense of self-worth and calm that doesn’t waver. Confidence hypnotherapy […]

3 things that are keeping you psychologically stuck.

Woman feeling stuck sitting in corner

3 things that are keeping you psychologically stuck. There have been distinct periods of my life when I have felt completely stuck in my current situation. Each time I have had the inner yearning for something more, but the inability to shift from a state of feeling like I was stuck in quicksand. I see […]

Break old habits with hypnotherapy.

anxious man checking mobile phone in bed

Break old habits with hypnotherapy: Reprogram your mind. Why is it so hard to break old habits? Old habits feel hard to break, because they are! They are deeply embedded in your subconscious mind. You’ve programmed them over time. You’ve practiced the habits so many times you have a well-worn neural network in your brain and […]

What is an Expansive Mind

What is an Expansive Mind

What is an Expansive Mind. The Expansive Mind is at the heart of what I do. I am after all the Expansive Mind Hypnotherapist. Since I came up with the term myself, it might be wise for me to better explain what an expansive mind actually is. I know you know – you will have […]